Monday, March 15, 2010

What to do at

I don't how appropriate it is to post my first blog ever at this hour of the morning? I would probably equate it to giving a poor handshake or not looking someone in the eye when you introduce yourself.  Nonetheless, this is the result of the last sleepless night in America I will have for the next three months.

My last day in my hometown was spent doing a multitude of tedious tasks ranging from going to the grocery store to finishing up obligations you had promised yourself you were going to finish weeks ago.  I never got the hang of phasing your packing. (I will never be that person who packs all the clothes one day, then packs toiletries the next, then perishables, then their carry on and finally themselves). No no, I prefer the organized chaos leading up to a panic attack, followed my unmanageable's how I've always done things and how I probably will continue to do them.  I don't consider it procrastination because I don't allow it to creep up on me, I wait for it to set in.  This type of preparing oneself actually takes an unseeingly amount of patience and discipline; a trait I've acquired and mastered over many years.  Anywho, I am officially packed and able to get to more important things like not being able to go to sleep because I'm too excited for tomorrow, so I've decided to post my first entry in my blog and make it seem like I have no respect for the sanctity of sleep. (my mother will be so proud)

But.....I digress....

What I am really thinking is as follows:
3. I cannot wait to sink my teeth into this unique dragon fruit with a red skin and a hot pink flesh. (it's a cross between a kiwi and a papaya and ridiculously good!)
4. I am so excited to see what Light to Israel has in store for me and even more excited to see what I can do to better the organization.
5. I am so incredibly blessed that God has allowed so many beautiful people in my life and presented me with such an amazing opportunity......SO LET'S NOT BLOW IT!
6. Remember to always be honest with myself and people I come into contact with.
7. I am a frame for the masterpiece, which is God; it is my job to make sure God comes through in my actions and words.

Well my flight leaves tomorrow at 2:34 from O'hare International Airport, I plan to be on that plane, so I should probably get to bed.

"It was nice to meet you all (Tikva firmly shakes hand of reader).....I'm looking forward to conversing with you soon, but I have to say I hope our relationship isn't completely onesided, so please leave as many comments as you like....I do fine talking to myself (a conversation for a later time), but I do even better talking with all of you!"

Ciao for now!


  1. Tikva, all of us who know you and know how large your heart is and how talented you are have no doubts that you're going to be a raging success. Best of luck, everyone's thoughts and prayers are with you. You make all of us extremely proud to know you. See you in Israel :-)

  2. Travel safely! Hope to see you soon! Andrea (Sevgi's awesome friend at Ben Gurion!)
